How can you create explosive practice growth using the tools already at your disposal – your office, your team, and your own two hands? Dr. Michael Wollock, founder of Diamond Club Makers, shares how he and other dentists have leveled up their practices and some tips on applying to his exclusive DCM study club.
Q: You have a five chair GP practice, only work 28 hours a week, by yourself with no associates... How did you get over $4.5M in collections even in a pandemic?
A: Last year was tough for all. Not only where we all managing uncharted COVID opening and closing, hit with an unstable employee market, but I was also expanding and renovating my entire office while working in it. During 2021 I did 4.1 million in collections with five chairs 28-32 hours a week only me. One dentist, no associates or partners. Just an amazing hard-working Team around me keeping my hands in patients’ mouths.
In 2022 the labor shortage has reached a ridiculous level, people don’t want to work, calling in sick is now a human rights issue, patients don’t honor confirmed appointments, and instead of one crazy patient a month we now have to engage with one a week.
But even with all this, I am well ahead of my goal of 4.5 million in collections, 600-700 new Invisalign starts, and filling in the now expanded eight chairs with still only one dentist, 28-32 hours a week.
This takes hard work and focus on the right things. It takes a team around you willing to do what is needed to make things work. It takes perseverance to pick yourself up after a long day of being defeated to battle the next day ahead. And it takes a willingness to make things better than yesterday.
While Diamond Club Makers starts with a focus on Invisalign and how to reach Diamond year after year. I teach that Invisalign is just a vehicle to drive explosive practice growth. So, DCM expands into showing what I do and how I do it in my entire general dentistry practice.
Hard work, focusing on the right things, and surrounding yourself with a solid team, are vital to climbing any challenges.
Q: Diamond Club Makers (DCM) is one of the most exclusive Invisalign study clubs. We’ve heard the buzz – your students see on average 135.5% Invisalign growth and ¼ of ALL North American GP Diamond status providers are made through DCM. But we’ve also heard that it’s very difficult to get into. What do you look for in a potential DCM dentist and how can dentists help their chances?
A: My goal is for people to get more out of DCM then they could have ever imagined upon joining. So, I look for people who want to succeed. You must be hungry for growth and the change needed to make that growth occur. I prefer people like myself, a single dentist or small partnership who needs a leg up, a path forward. We are all faced with overwhelming odds as small business owners; COVID, corporate dentistry marching at your door, runaway inflation, employees and patients who just don’t care. I have found we are stronger together than apart. And if I can help that dentist increase their income to support their family better, make more of their day, and be happier with their career choice, then I have succeeded. All this takes a lot of group and individual attention. So, I only choose a limited number of dentists to invest my time with over the course of six months. Applying early for consideration has given some a leg up in getting in prior to the annual AACA convention.
Diamond Club Makers is an exclusive study club affiliated with the American Academy of Clear Aligners.
Q: It sounds like a lot of success stories have come out of DCM. Can you share one of your favorites?
A: This course is designed for each participant’s success. Success requires change. And change can be tough. While there are many true success stories that have been born out of DCM, there is one that has become lore. Dr. Deirdre Denis wouldn’t take no when I called her to tell her she wasn’t making the cut for DCM Neo. She refused to accept no and changed my mind to join the first class. She not only used DCM principles and protocols to grow from Align Advantage level Gold to Diamond during the six months, but she has been Diamond ever since. And is about to become the very first DCM Diamond PLUS. But this is not unique for DCM. We have several “unicorns” who have this kind of exponential growth. What places Deirdre in the real annals of the Diamond Club Makers is when Canada was completely closed for Covid (no way in, no way out), she jumped the border and came to the AACA convention in Vegas. Risking quarantine, jail, her practice and more, to accept her DCM award on stage in person. Dr. Denis is the definition of DCM success, she doesn’t let barriers hold her back.
Q: You’ve built a system to make Invisalign case acceptance and treatment faster and easier. We’re doing the same thing at Asprodental for office operations! A lot of the efficiency is in the workflow. How are some of the ways you’ve cracked the code?
A: I think it comes down to a willingness to strive for better. To always be open to improving things. Good is never good enough. Small improvements over time, looking at things from different perspectives, and constantly evaluating what works and what doesn’t, and where it can work better. While sometimes this pursuit can be difficult. Making things better today than they were yesterday is something that keeps me going. Just the same way I see you and Asprodental striving to make things better.
Dr. Michael I. Wollock
Upon graduating from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey in 1996, I dedicated myself to providing you with the best that dentistry has to offer. Continually educating myself & my team on the newest techniques and approaches.
While serving as a Captain & dentist in the United States Air Force, I received the coveted Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service. I have also earned the advanced degree of Fellow from the Academy of General Dentistry. As President of The Empire Aligners, I have led my Team in winning the first Galler Cup awarded to the Top Invisalign General Dentists in North America. I serve on several Boards; The American Academy of Clear Aligners, Align’s North American Scientific Advisory Board, and the Main Line Dental Society for over 10 years. In addition, I have been recognized several times as one of the top Invisalign Dentists in the Country. I am a proud member of the Academy of Stomatology; the oldest dental organization in America. I also teach and mentor dentists around North America in Invisalign and practice management. Finally, I am one of the first general dentists in the Philly metro area to receive Invisalign certification and one of the most experienced, providing more Invisalign than any other single dentist, single office in North America for several years running. I use these extensive skills and knowledge base to give you the finest and most effective treatment anyone can offer.